
oh darling he never loved you

he never even cared

thats why your sitting here

wondering why your still here

thinking about all the little things he said to you

not even wondering about if he cares about you

i prayed and prayed that you’ll be mine

not even thinking about if I’ve crossed the line.

I’m starting to wonder if i still care

while your out there wondering if you’ll get there.

i gave you all my trust and you broke that

while you gave me all your trust and i still kept that.

but I’m done with you, I’m done caring

but most importantly, I’m done with love and sharing

This poem was written when I was depressed about a boy that hurt me very bad. I can no longer go to certain places without thinking of him and the memories that him and I had together. I can no longer listen to certain songs without thinking of him. Every time I listen to the songs, go past the places, or even think of him, the memories start to play back in my head and I want to cry and scream at him for hurting me. I have many poems describing my feelings towards him, they help me describe what I’m feeling when I don’t know how to actually say them.

Archetypes ofThe Tragedy of Julius Caesar

Archetypes are a very typical example of a certain person or thing. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar was a play wrote by Shakespeare, based on true events from Roman history.

The first archetype, is about a character named Brutas, he killed Caesar out of his grudge against him. Caesar didn’t claim Brutas as a friend, and they had many differences.

The second archetype, is about the character Soothsayer, he had some kind of supernatural power. He predicted Caesar’s death and warned him about it but Caesar did not listen to him. Caesar called the Soothsayer a fool and laughed in his face and pushed him to the side.

The third archetype, is about the symbolic Ides of March, March 15, the day Caesar was murdered by Brutus and his group. A soothsayer predicted this day and told Caesar but he did not listen. Caesar thought he was just telling a fib so he did not believe him, and then the day came and and Caesar was killed.

Ways Poor Students Can Attend College

Colleges offer and help poor students to pay for college, there are scholarships, loans, grants, and etc. Grants and scholarships will help every student but it will mostly effect poor students, it helps them get into and through college without having debt. To get a scholarship you would have to be very smart or be a very good athlete, but there are also other ways to get a scholarship.

Loans will also help in college because the cost of college is way too high for the books and tuition, loans will help students stay afloat in school. You may have some debt but you will pay the rent, you’ll be able to get transportation to get around, and your groceries.

Some people wonder or even ask if poor students can attend rich colleges, and yes they can they just have to work extra harder. They may get loans, get 2-3 jobs, and they might even ask the professors or there friends for help. They wouldn’t go out to eat as much, they would eat in there dorm ramen noodles. Not buying expense clothes, like $200 dress, they would spend there money wisely.

The World’s Coldest Places

The masterpiece of nature is considered Earth, if there is light in the world there is also darkness. What makes the world’s coldest places cold? Well the world coldest place in the world is Antartica, they recored the lowest observed surface air temperature on July 21, 1983 and the reading was -128.6ºF. Another recording was made in the winter of 1997 and it read -132ºF. People can’t live in Antartica, but 1,000 to 5,000 people live throughout the year at the science stations. Only plants and animals can live and survive the harsh cold of Antarctica. Animals such as penguins, seals, nematodes, tardigrades, and mites.

Verkhoyansk, Russia is considered one of the coldest places to live on Earth (other then Antartica), there is hardly 2,893 residents that live here. The lowest temperature of -90 degrees F, and the average temperature is -50.4 degrees F. Here are some other cold places to live Greenland, Siberia, North America, Europe, South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The top seven animals that can survive the harsh cold weather is the Tardigrades (water bears), Arctic woolly bear moths, Arctic ground squirrels, Upis beetles, Red flat bark beetles, Wood frogs, and Painted turtle hatchlings.